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Resident Permits application

Residence permits at reasonable prices

If you are planning to move to a foreign country, you have to qualify for a residence permit. This document will grant you the right to seek employment, acquire properties, and set up businesses for a certain period of time legally. In other words, it’s a status that will allow you to start all over again.At Urgent-Traveldocs.com, we can help you obtain your permit of residence so that you enjoy an extended stay in the country you want. With us, you can:

  • choose between temporary and permanent residence permits;
  • become a citizen of almost any country, including the EU ones and the United States;
  • make use of all the benefits of permanent residency (in case you apply for this type of the permit);  
  • get a right to reside in a foreign country – no matter what your country of citizenship is.  

As well as 4 non-EU countries including:

  • Iceland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Norway
  • Switzerland

The Schengen visa will allow you to stay in the area for a total of 90 days within a 6-months period for any purpose – tourist or business. Usually, one cannot apply for a Schengen visa by mail. The only way is to go to the embassy and do it in person. However, not everyone has an opportunity to do so, which is why we offer you to order a Schengen visa from us. This way you will get a real Schengen visa in the shortest time without ever having to leave the comfort of your home. Place an order today and make your European dream come true!

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